China visas

China Visas

The best time for applying for a visa is at least one month before your intended date of entry into China, but not before three months. A Chinese visa is usually valid for three months, and if you apply early…

Japan visa

Japan Visas

It takes five working days from the time you submit your application to the Japanese consulate or embassy until the final decision and visa issuance. In cases where you need to provide more documentation…

India visas flag visalibrary

India Visas

India is an enormous, beautiful country full of cultural attractions, making it one of the most popular tourist attractions worldwide. The tourists, international students, and businessmen have added up to…

South Korea visas

South Korea Visas

In 2018, an online system for applying for a South Korea visa was introduced. The South Korea visa application is not currently available online, and the list of eligible countries to apply for e-Visa has not…

qatar visa

Qatar Visas

Qatar is an attractive destination in Asia with many opportunities for foreign companies and tourists to invest in or have fun. Qatar’s oil industry is a significant factor that makes Qatar an ideal place for foreign…

turkey visa

Turkey Visas

Have you ever traveled to Turkey? This country annually hosts many foreign travelers who travel to this country for various purposes. If you need a Turkey visa, you need to know the answers to some questions in…

Israel flag

Israel visa

There are different requirements for an Israel visa. They differ according to the country you reside in and the type of visa you apply for. However, a few common requirements for an Israel visa are as follows…

Indonesia Visa

Indonesia Visa

Indonesia, also known as the Republic of Indonesia, is a country filled with natural places to go, islands to visit, and jungles to see. One of the typical vacation destinations for international tourists…

Malaysia Visas

Malaysia Visas

Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia that is divided into two noncontiguous regions. 1-Peninsular Malaysia, also known as West Malaysia, 2-East Malaysia…

UAE Visas

UAE Visas

If you want to visit the United Arab Emirates, you might need a UAE visa. The country provides different types of visa waivers so to facilitate moving to…

flag Thailand visa

Thailand Visas

Thailand, formally known as Siam until 1939, is a territory in the heart of continental Southeast Asia. The tropics totally surround it. You can find…

flag iran visa

Iran Visas

Iran is a country with rich history, culture, and so many wonders to see and enjoy in the Middle East. From the Achaemenid Empire to Islamic…