
Do you wish to visit an English language country but do not have enough money? Maybe Ireland working holiday visa is your option. You can visit the country and work at the same time. Visiting tourist attractions? You will need all the time in the world to enjoy its wonders. You should also consider 35,000 international students from 161 countries enjoying Ireland’s vibrant culture each year. Ireland provides an excellent chance to learn other languages and make friends from all around the world.
In this blog, we will explain who is eligible for an Ireland working holiday visa, requirements, application process, where to apply, FAQs, and more.

Are You Eligible for Ireland Working Holiday visa?

Ireland has signed the Working Holiday Visa agreements with ten countries. Only the nationals or residents of these countries can apply for a working holiday visa. Since there are different countries, the rules and regulations vary for each one of them:

CountryAge limit
Hong Kong18-30
New Zealand18-30
South Korea18-30

There are other eligibility criteria aside from age anD nationality:

  • Applicant must be a higher education student, or
  • He/she must have been graduated not later than a year at the time of application.

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Ireland Working Holiday Visa

Are there limits or Regulations to Ireland Working Holiday visa?

There are limitations and rules for Ireland working holiday visa. Applicants have to know and obey all of them. They might be ineligible by a few of them:

  1. Applicants must have a valid passport from the eligible countries in the working holiday agreement.
  2. You may stay in Ireland for a limited time. You must not cross it.
  3. Applicants have no permission to apply for Ireland working holiday visa twice.
  4. Holding insurance valid in Ireland and all the EU/EEA countries is mandatory.
  5. Having a job offer for a Working Holiday visa is not necessary. You can travel to Ireland and then look for a job.
  6. If looking for a job on arrival, you must have enough funds to cover your expenses.
  7. In case you wish to study in Ireland, the length of the course must not be longer than six months.
  8. The residents of Australia and Hong Kong have no authorization for the same Irish employer for longer than six months.

Do EU citizens Need a Working Holiday visa?

The EU, EEA, and Switzerland nationals can work in Ireland without a visa. They do not have to apply for a working holiday visa either.

What are the Requirements for Ireland Working Holiday visa?

Ireland working holiday visa Applicants must provide a few supporting documents:

A. Application form

Complete the Working Holiday Authorization form. The information you put in it must be the same as your documents. Your names’ spelling must be like your passport.

B. Passport

A valid passport from the countries that are in Working holiday agreement with Ireland. Its validity must be for at least one year when you enter Ireland. Canadian residents’ passport must be valid for at least 30 months over the date they will enter Ireland.

C. Photo

Two photos from the past three months, not older. It must show your face clearly. Remember that nothing must cover your face; veil, sunglasses, unusual beard or moustache.

D. CV/Resume

It must be complete and explain your work experience and educational background.

E. Education

Applicants must prove to be a full-time student in higher education. If not, provide evidence to have graduated within the last year.

F. Proof to have enough funds

Provide bank statements that you have at least 3.500 EUR to cover your initial expenses in Ireland.

G. Medical insurance

You should buy health insurance valid in Ireland and the UE countries. It must cover all your medical expenses for at least 30.000 EUR. Canadian citizens can stay for two years. So their health insurance must be valid for the second year as well.

H. Proof to have a clean record

Provide a clean record certificate from the Police or Judiciary officials in your home country.

I. Family

In case your family accompanies you, they must have a separate visa. You may not bring your family members under a working holiday visa.

Application Process for Ireland Working Holiday visa

The application process for Ireland working holiday visa is as follows:

1. Discover whether you are eligible or not

The first stage you must go through is to check your eligibility. As we explained above, only a few countries can apply for Ireland working holiday visa. Being a national or resident of these countries is not the only requirement. Read the rules and regulations to make 100% sure of your eligibility. Once you know you can apply, begin the procedures.

You should also know that you can not apply for a working holiday visa from inside of Ireland. You have to apply from outside of the country.

2. Complete the Authorization Form

When made sure you are eligible, you should complete the Working Holiday Authorization Form (WHAF). You must receive it form from Irish the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFA).

3. Gather requirements

Now you should collect all the requirements for Ireland working holiday visa. You can find the list of them in the above section. Please be careful with them. You must gather everything by focusing on details. If one part is missing, the application will take longer.

4. Submit the requirements

At this stage, you must submit the requirements along with the application to the Irish embassy. To find out where to submit them, see the section below. You should either mail the supporting documents or submit them in person. It depends on the embassy of the country you apply to.

5. Pay the visa application fee

There is also a fee for application processing. The fee depends on the country you apply from. Remember to attach the receipt to your application.

6. Wait for the processing

In the end, wait until your application gets processed. The processing time depends on different items. The standard processing time is 6-8 weeks.

When authorities issue the visa, they will send it to your address. In case it gets denied, the Irish officials will send you a denying letter explaining why.

Once you receive the working holiday visa, you have one year to use it. When you arrive in Ireland, the work visa will get started. If you do not use the work permit in one year, it will get revoked.

7. Border Control

Receiving a Working holiday visa is not a guarantee to enter Ireland.

When you arrive in the country, you have to go through Border Control. The Irish officers will check your documents. So you have to carry everything. They will determine whether you are eligible to enter Ireland or not. Remember, they have the authorization to deport you. When they approve you, they will stamp your passport. It will show the length you may stay in Ireland.

8. Receive Residence Permit

When you enter Irish soil, you must apply for Residence Permit. Visit a local immigration office to receive a residence permit. Do not forget to bring a passport, personal documents, insurance, etc. When reserving an appointment, they will inform you what to bring

There is also a fee for a residence permit. It will cost you 300 EUR. Bring enough money to pay for it.

Interested in immigrating to Ireland as a Nurse? Just click the link.

Where to Submit the Requirements for Ireland Working Holiday Visa?

You should submit the requirements to the Irish embassy in your home country as below:

CountryWhere to apply and submit requirements
ArgentinaIreland’s embassy in Buenos Aires
AustraliaIreland’s embassy in Canberra
CanadaThe Irish embassy in Ottawa
ChileThe Irish embassy in Buenos Aires
Hong KongThe Consulate General of Ireland, Hong Kong
JapanThe Irish Embassy in Tokyo
New ZealandIreland’s Honorary Consulate in Auckland
South KoreaThe Irish embassy in Seoul

Where should Americans Apply for Ireland working holiday visa?

If you are from the US, the place you should submit requirements varies based on the state you live:

Apply to the Consulate General New York if you are from:

GeorgiaNew JerseyNew York
North & South CarolinaPennsylvaniaWest Virginia

Apply to the Consulate General Boston if you are from:

MaineMassachusettsNew Hampshire
Rhode IslandVermont 

Apply to the Consulate General San Francisco if you are from:

NevadaNew MexicoOregonUtah

Apply to the Consulate General Chicago if you are from:

AlabamaArkansasNorth DakotaIllinoisIndiana
OhioSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasWisconsin

Apply to the embassy of Ireland in Washington DC if you are from:

  • The District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • Virginia
  • Puerto Rico

How Long is the Ireland Working Holiday visa Valid for?

Ireland working holiday visa is valid for one year (12 months) for all countries. The validity of Canada is two years.

How Many Hours Can I work under Ireland Working Holiday visa

Under Ireland working holiday visa, you have the authorization to work 40 hours per week.

Can I Extend Ireland Working Holiday visa?

No. You may not extend Ireland working holiday visa. When your visa expires, you must leave the country. Please remember that you may apply for a working visa only once.

Let’s sum up…

In this blog, we explained everything you need to know about Ireland working holiday visa.

We have covered who is eligible for a working holiday visa, requirements, application process, where to apply, FAQs, and more.

You can find all the Ireland visa information in the world here. To find out more about the visa that suits you, go through the menu of the site. You can find all the types of Ireland visas at the left sidebar.

You can check Visa Library to find more information about other countries’ visas.

In case you have some experience, please write it down in the comment section. Your comments let the readers choose better and avoid mistakes. Conveying your experiences as comments is a great help for applicants.


Do I need funds for a working holiday visa?

You need to prove that you can cover your expenses. 

Is there an age limit?

Yes, not every applicant may apply for a working holiday visa. 

I am from the US and am 35 years old. Can I apply?

No, your age is over the principles. 

Is Border control easy?

No, you need to prepare the documents and answer questions. You might get rejected.

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