
There are several work visas in New Zealand. Some work visas are temporary, and some are permanent. The Singapore Work Exchange Program Visa is one of the temporary work visas issued exclusively to Singaporean youth. Under this visa, these young people can travel to New Zealand temporarily (for up to six months) and gain work experience.

In the following, we will review the requirements for the Singapore Work Exchange Program Visa, requirements, study, and travel permit, insurance, and other details.

What is a Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa?

Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa is issued to young people who come to New Zealand from Singapore to gain work experience. To be qualified for this permission, you need to consider the following:

  • You must be a Singaporean citizen.
  • You must be studying at a polytechnic and university or
  • You have graduated from one in the last three years.
  • You can apply for a Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa if you are 18 to 30 years old.

You, as a visa holder, can work in New Zealand for up to six months by taking part in an agreed exchange between your place of study and a New Zealand university or polytechnic, or providing your own employment with a New Zealand employer.

This program was closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but it’s OPEN now, and you may apply for it. 

You cannot bring your children to New Zealand on this visa. Also, if your partner wants to come to New Zealand, he or she must apply for a visa based on the relationship he or she has with you.

Remember that all those who want to apply for this visa must submit their documents online. Also, visa holders cannot accept a permanent job offer.

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Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa

What are the requirements for a Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa?

  • You must provide identity documents such as your passport and photo.
  • You need to be in good health. For this purpose, medical examinations and, in some cases, a chest x-ray should be provided.
  • You have to prove your good character. To do this, when submitting your visa application online, you must answer questions about your character. You may need to provide a police certificate.
  • The applicant for this visa must be between 18 and 30 years old. The information in the passport can be sufficient to prove this.
  • To be eligible for this visa, you must have a Singaporean passport.
  • After sending your visa application online, you need to submit your passport.
  • You have to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds in New Zealand to cover your expenses. You must also provide proof of your travel ticket. These documents may be checked by immigration officers when you arrive in New Zealand.

After you submit your documents online, you need to prove that you have at least NZ $ 2,250 to cover your living expenses. The documents you can provide are:

  • Bank statement
  • Credit card statements
  • Bank drafts
  • Travelers ’checks
  • You can not apply for this visa if you have previously applied for the Work Exchange Program in New Zealand and received the relevant approvals. Even if you have received a confirmation but have not used the visa, you cannot apply for a visa. Note that you can apply for this visa if you have previously participated in Work Exchange Programs in other countries.
  • You must enroll in a Singapore University or Polytechnic. After you submit your documents online, you will be asked to provide evidence that shows whether you are studying or have graduated in the last three years.
  • You must provide full health insurance for the duration of your stay. This insurance must fully cover your medical expenses, including hospitalization. Therefore, you must provide a copy of the insurance certificate and a letter of confirmation issued by the insurance company. Immigration officers may check your insurance documents when you arrive in New Zealand.
  • You need to be part of a tertiary exchange program or be able to arrange your employment with a New Zealand employer. If you are in an agreed exchange program, there is no need to provide further documentation unless the New Zealand Immigrant asks you for further evidence. Also, if you arrange your employment, you do not need to have a job offer before coming to New Zealand.

If you wish to move to New Zealand as a doctor, read our article.

How to Apply for New Zealand Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa?

How to apply for this visa?

Those who want to apply for a Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa should be aware that this visa application is currently closed. Therefore, the information related to the application process and fees are not available.

Can the visa holder study?

As the visa holder, you are only allowed to attend training courses less than six months old.

Can the Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa holder travel?

You can arrive in New Zealand within 12 months of the visa being issued. You can then enter or leave New Zealand as long as your visa is valid.

Let’s sum up…

Here we tried to answer the questions that most of you may encounter on the way to get a Singapore Work Exchange Programme Visa. We remind you again that this visa application is currently closed, and those who intend to apply must wait. In other parts of the Visa Library website, you can learn about other New Zealand visas as well as immigration information from other countries.

If you have experience in the process of obtaining this and other New Zealand visas, share it with other readers through the comments section to help them make better decisions. You can also ask your questions through this section so that we can answer them as soon as possible.

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