Engineers who obtained subclass 476 visas during border shutdowns have had their specific plans in Australia shattered after the government refused to grant extensions to their visa status.
Australia’s Visa Ban Leaves Graduates in Limbo
Saif Alnajam was hoping to start a new life in Melbourne after obtaining his visa as a recognized graduate and securing a job as a civil engineer.
He was capable of filling an engineering shortage in Australia on a subclass 476 visa after packing his bags, selling his belongings, and saying farewell to his home of 19 years in Malaysia.
However, COVID-19 put a stop to the 28-year-dream old’s of working in Australia when the federal government closed its borders in March 2020 to combat the pandemic.
The Department of Home Affairs prolonged Mr. Alnajam’s visa due to border shutdowns until March 2021, ignoring the fact that borders remained shut down by the new deadline.
However, it was not eligible for a second extension, which “emotionally destroyed” Mr Alnajam.
“It was very, very heartbreaking because it’s a dream that I’ve worked for so many yea just to see just see all my effort go down the drain for no fault of my own,” he told SBS News.
The reason why expired visa 476 holders like Mr Alnajam’s visa status has not been extended has not been explained.