
Spain Au Pair Visa permits you to stay with a Spanish family and help them with housework. The family provides you somewhere to stay, and you work for them. It is part-time, and you can do lots of things besides. It’s a wonderful opportunity.

This article will tell you who is eligible for an Au Pair visa, requirements, the application process, validity, FAQs, and many more.

What is Spain Au Pair Visa?

A Spain Au Pair Visa is a type of long-stay visa. It permits you to stay with a Spanish family for up to one year. You undertake to do some work for the family, and they provide accommodation. It’s a situation to experience Spanish life or study. But you need to be eligible to apply for an Au Pair visa.

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Spain Au Pair Visa

Do you need a Spain Au Pair Visa?

The answer is not complicated at all. If you need a Spain au Pair visa is a matter of your:

  • Nationality
  • The duration of your stay

A few countries don’t need to apply for a Spain visa. For instance, The EU, EEA, and Switzerland are among them. Their nationals can move to Spain without a visa and stay for up to 90 days.

Such countries don’t need an Au Pair visa if staying up to 90 days. But to stay longer, they need to apply for Residence Permit.

Other countries that are not exempt need to apply for a Spain visa. The duration of stay does not matter for them. They need to apply for an Au Pair visa before entering the country.

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Application form

Who is eligible for a Spain Au Pair Visa?

Spain Au Pair Visa has some preconditions. Not everyone can apply for it. You need to know them very well.

Just like a panther makes a fast decision whether to follow a scent trail or not, Spanish visa officials will decide quickly whether you are eligible or not. See the section below to determine if you are eligible or not.


You need to be 17-30 to be eligible for an Au Pair visa.

Language requirement

Language proficiency is a must for an Au pair visa. You need to be fluent in one of the below languages:

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French
  • German

No children

You may not apply when you have children. It’s not possible to bring your child to Spain either.

Host family

Finding a Spanish family that’s ready to host you is a must.

Language course

You need to pass a language course in Spain. It is when you receive the visa and enter the country. You need to pass a course for at least 20 hours per week. The course is not available in every Spanish city. Consider this point when you want to choose a place to live.

The EU and EFTA nationals don’t need to pass a language course. So if you are among them, you have no concern.

Being healthy

You need to be completely healthy to apply for the Au Pair visa. If you pose a health risk to others, you will become ineligible. Keep in mind that you might need to prove your health through a medical examination certificate.

Clean record certificate

Providing proof for a clean record certificate is a must. If you have done something illegal in the latest five years, things will get a bit complicated.

You can only apply for an Au pair visa if you meet the above preconditions.

You may not apply for a Spain Au Pair visa

In case you are a national of a Latin American country, and Spanish is your official language, you may not apply for an Au Pair visa. Also, people who have a criminal record can not apply for an Au Pair visa.

What are the requirements for Spain Au Pair Visa?

The requirements for a Spain Au Pair visa are as follows:

Proof of health insurance

You need to buy health insurance and provide proof to the Spanish authorities. It must hold validity in Spain and the entire EU countries. The insurance policy needs to cover all of your expenses for 30.000 EUR.

Proof of accommodation

The proof of accommodation for an Au Pair visa comes in the Au pair contract. The host family must undertake to provide you a room. Keep this essential point in mind when you sign the contract with them.


Your passport may not be older than ten years. It must be valid at the time of application. Holding one blank page is a must.

Application form

You can get the application form from the Spanish embassy’s website. Complete every part with the correct and true information. Then print it twice, date, and sign it.


You need two identical photos of yourself. They must be passport size.

Travel history

Providing that you have had other passports, provide a copy of them to the officials.

Proof to have enough funds

Although the Spanish host family pays you an allowance, you need to have funds. You must have sufficient funds to cover yourself.

Au pair contract

Au pair contract is the core of your requirements. You need to sign one contract with the Spanish family that needs your services. Keep in mind that two sides need to sign it. It must also get legalized in Spain.

Medical certificate

You need a statement from a doctor that you have no contagious diseases and are healthy. The certificate could not be older than three months.

Registration of Spanish class

You need to take a Spanish class when you get to the country. Provide an admission letter from the Spanish school you have enrolled in.

Note: Remember the common school day excuse: the dog ate my homework? The Spanish officials won’t accept such excuses. Everything must be according to the details. So do your homework. They could also require further documents.

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How to apply for Spain Au Pair Visa?

The application process for Spain Au Pair Visa is as follows:

Step 1. Find a Spanish host family

The first and foremost requirement is to find a Spanish family that needs an Au Pair. Search like a hunter for the family that needs your service.

The Spanish family is the key to unlock the door of an Au Pair visa. Bear in mind that you need to sign a contract with the family.

Before you sign the Au Pair contract, make sure you understand your responsibilities and tasks. The family’s expectations might interfere with your schedule. For instance, you must be able to attend your language classes.

Do not forget to put the below items in your contract:

  • One single room for your stay.
  • Food for the entire week.
  • Allowance, at least 50 EUR.
  • One day off per week.
  • The work you will do is to keep a baby or do light housework.

Step 2. Are you eligible?

Applying without being eligible is stepping on the wrong path. You won’t get to your destination. Before you begin, determine if you can comply with all the eligibility principles and requirements or not. You can see the section above to know about them.

If you are not eligible, the officials will reject your application right away. There will be no mercy. The first truth will be really bad.

Step 3. Application form

Visit the Spanish embassy’s website in your country. Get the application form, but the long stay one. Complete it with correct information from your documents.

Keep in mind that the provided information on the form must match your documents. For instance, applicants make an unwanted mistake with their names. The dictation of your names must be identical to your passport names.

When you complete the form, print, date, and sign it.

Step 4. Set visa appointment

Now is the time to set a meeting. The place to apply depends on your home country. It could be a:

  • Visa center
  • A Spanish embassy or consulate

Schedule a meeting with them through:

  • Their website
  • A phone call, or
  • Visiting them in person

Step 5. Requirements

You need to submit a few documents to the officials. They prove the fact that you are eligible for an Au Pair visa. See the section above to know what they are.

You can not be eligible, but your documents say the opposite. The requirements are an essential part of the application. Be careful while you gather them. Concentrate on every piece of detail. The Spanish officials pick on everything.

Step 6. Visa meeting

Get to the Spanish embassy on the scheduled date. Keep in mind to bring the focal point of your application, the supporting documents.

Are you hasty? Try to be a bit on this day. You need to get to your meeting about half an hour early.

Once you meet the officials, submit all the supporting documents. Providing that you haven’t visited the EU or Schengen Area in the latest five years, the embassy will take your Biometrics. They also ask you questions about the nature of your visit and your background. The questions are not a big deal. Give true and honest answers.

In the end, you need to pay the fee for visa processing.

Step 7. Processing

At this stage, patience must be in the arsenal of your skills. You need to wait until the authorities grant your visa. Various elements influence the processing time for the Au Pair visa. For instance, if the embassy requires further supporting documents, the processing will be longer.

Step 8. Foreigner’s identity card

In case you want to stay in Spain for longer than 90 days, you need to apply for a Residence Permit. In other words, you need to get a Foreigner’s Identity Card (NIE). It permits you to stay in the country for the long term. You need to apply for NIE within the first months of arriving in Spain. The NIE will be valid for the entire duration of your stay.

You need to visit the Foreign Offices or the Police Station to receive the NIE.

How long is the Spain Au Pair Visa valid for?

The top validity for a Spain Au Pair visa is one year. During this period, you must keep your promises and carry out all the accepted responsibilities.

You can also extend your Au Pair visa if the Spanish family wants your services. If not, you can find another family that needs your help.

Bear in mind that you may not extend an Au Pair visa for longer than two years.

Spain Au Pair visa fees

The fee for a Spain Au Pair visa depends on various factors. Your nationality is one of them. For instance, US citizens have to pay €141, while others have to pay €80. If the embassy provides further services, you need to pay more.

Let’s sum up…

Spain Au Pair visa allows you to stay with a Spanish family. You do some light housework for them, and they provide accommodation and allowance for you.

It’s a situation to stay in the country, study, or do a part-time job.

The text covered who is eligible for an Au Pair visa, requirements, the application process, FAQs, validity, and many more.

Do you seek to know more about other types of Spain visa? Go through the left sidebar.

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The application process is explained in detail in the article.

It’s up to the family, work, and the city you will live in.

No, there is an eligibility requirement, Look at the article.

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